Lula da Silva approves law on racial and social quotas

The President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, ratified, this Monday, a law that updates the policy of racial and social quotas in federal universities until 2033 and extends the reach to traditional communities of descendants of slaves.

In a statement, the Brazilian Government informs that the new legislation foresees the change of the quota mechanism for access to federal universities, the reduction of family income to be entitled to reserved places and the inclusion of quilombola students (descendants of slaves who fled) as quota beneficiaries.

According to Lusa, the approved text also determines that the law be monitored annually and evaluated every ten years.

The law on quotas at federal universities in Brazil has been in force since 2012 and its article 7 provided for its review ten years after its publication.

The new law established that universities and federal technical education institutions are obliged to reserve at least 50% of their places for students from the public network and those with low family income, to be distributed proportionally among black, indigenous people and people with disabilities.

Jornal de Angola

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