Algeria: The Association Of Scholars Embarks On A Campaign To Improve The Educational System

With the approaching start of school, and under the slogan “Have an idea that advances an entire nation,” the Association of Algerian Muslim Scholars called on experts, those interested in educational affairs, and even citizens, to submit and participate with innovative ideas and proposals, with the aim of strengthening the morals of students, and urging future generations to love studying and learning.

The call of the Algerian Muslim Scholars Association, which it launched on its “Facebook” page regarding proposing ideas to enhance morals and love of knowledge in the hearts of students in conjunction with social inclusion, received great interaction, from specialists and citizens, and the association thanked those who interacted, considering that their proposals were “bright and contain creative ideas.” “It will inevitably lead to the best and most optimal,” stressing that ideas are the basis for building renaissances.

Relying on an exciting method to pass information

Among the most important ideas and proposals that the association received, according to what Al-Shorouk monitored, was a proposal from Qadri Fatima Al-Zahraa, about reconsidering the method of passing useful information to children. According to her, it is necessary to get out of the boring style of conveying information, because children get bored and tend to move. Therefore, she suggested including 3D images and videos to pass on information, while encouraging young talents in design, graphics, and programming science.

Khaled suggested that the Association of Muslim Scholars adopt a competition between primary, middle and high schools in both its religious and scientific aspects, provided that it is a national competition that affects all parts of the country, with the aim of stimulating and strengthening the components of the state. The association responded by saying that this proposal has been implemented through its state divisions.

Educational camps to learn skills and time management

Amir Sassi believed that organizing remote educational camps, lasting, for example, for two days for psychological preparation and some skills in how to manage time and study intelligently, would benefit students, while many proposals were received regarding the necessity of activating clubs in educational institutions to eliminate school violence, thus increasing attachment. Students at school, such as the Green Club, the cultural, historical, sports, and literary clubs that stimulate reading and intellectual competition.

A representative of the Association of Scholars in Schools

Some called on the Association of Muslim Scholars to have a representative in every school, as a certified educational guide qualified to supervise educational activities, and to be a general guide and accompaniment, as well as distributing paper clips, containing religious values ​​​​in prohibiting drugs and finery and promoting the love of knowledge, and also organizing periodic visits for the nation’s elite. To schools to motivate them and emulate them. Organizing lectures for students and their parents, under the supervision of psychologists and experts, to raise awareness on various topics. There is a need to have psychiatrists in schools.

Getting closer to students to analyze school results

One of the commentators on the issue suggested that the association help schools reveal the special family circumstances of each student in a confidential manner, in order to find out the reasons for the increase or deterioration of academic results, and another called for teaching the subject “good morals” as is done in Japan.

A citizen said: “It is better to return to teaching the middle school subject as it was before, because the young child has great energy and enthusiasm, and it is better to exploit them in the applied aspect in the primary stage.” Another suggested: “A joint program between the Directorate of Education and Religious Affairs, where religious affairs employees, including imams and female guides, organize weekly courses in educational institutions, provide lessons that are compatible with the age group of students, and attract guardians and their children to mosques, by opening them for free private lessons or for nominal amounts.”

Caring for the rising generation is a priority

The head of the Algerian Muslim Scholars Association, Dr. Abdel-Razzaq Qassoum, confirmed in a statement to “Al-Shorouk” that one of the association’s goals is to care for the rising generation and direct it towards the right approach, and this will not be possible except by reforming the educational system and accompanying it from various actors, and even from guardians and those interested in educational affairs.

The obsession that haunts us is that no matter what we do and no matter how much effort and sacrifices we make for the sake of the new generation, we may fall short, and therefore we must respond to some basic points in conjunction with the next school entry, by teaching the student valuable ideas.

The first is an attempt to prepare the rising generation to take care of their surroundings, which suffer from pollution, including interest in protecting their homeland. We are also working to ensure that the emerging youth prove their existence, based on the authentic reference, and this is done by establishing a school of Algerian affiliation, scientific in purposes and performance, and Islamic in the spirit of giving.

The second goal of the association, according to our interlocutor, is to raise the rising generation on noble values, which begin by defining the features of its identity, “and this cannot be done except by deepening the call for cultural and civilizational belonging… and thirdly, fortifying the youth with the ingredient that will save them from decay and the lack of distinction between right and wrong.”

These are the most important things, according to Qassoum, which make the student a person whose existence is proven far from subjectivity and emotions, and immune from being subject to the instinct that controls his future life.

The bottom line is that there is no reform of the nation, the country, or society, without reforming the educational system.


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